Dave's Unveiling 2011

One of Dave's Favorite sayings

Ngati Whakapono, Ngati Tumanaako, me te Aroha.
Ko enei taonga te me nui, Te Aroha.

The tree most important things in life are Faith, Hope & LOVE.

Tangi slide show

"In all of living have much fun and laughter.
Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."

President Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, February 21, 2010

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  1. Beautiful page - Beep. We miss him so much but know that his wairua will always live on through your family and Hiona. LUV YOU GUYS!! Sreeve, Ryan & whanau

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you so much for putting all that together! David was an amazing man and someone I looked up to as he taught us all about the Maori Culture and our heritage; so many great memories! I was so sad I was unable to attend any of the services, but this helped me to at least feel as if I was a part of it in some way...miss and love you all!
    -Jamie Pacini Carrier-

  4. THANK you so much for sharing all of this with us! Beautiful! You are in our thoughts and prayers! David has and will always hold a special spot in our hearts! Lord bless you all! julie & craig Pacini
